Monday 22 October 2012

Shoe Story

The strangest thing happened on the weekend. Soon after it happened I recreated the incident & photographed it to better illustrate the the story for your amusement as well as my own :) Soooooo here it is: 

I was visiting my parentals on the weekend & was about to go somewhere with my dad in the car, so I decided to put my shoes on. As soon as I did, I noticed that something was in one of them. I didn't want to keep my Dad waiting so I thought 'I'll deal with that later'. 

When I got out of the car & started walking the thing in my shoe started to hurt my foot! I stopped to take my shoe off to see what it was (hoping it wasn't some kind of spider!) Low & behold my Bat Earring was hanging from my sock!! 

Hahah I wasn't expecting that at all! I had to laugh! :) The hook bit was in my sock & it was hanging there like it was flying!

Earring Trivia: If you look closely you'll see my awesome Beavis & Butthead shoelaces! They were one of the first things I bought online (quite a few years ago!) A little bit worse for wear now but here is a picture of them in their prime.

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