Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Severed Fingers

Well.. as you can see, these earrings are severed fingers! Hooray! These were one of my original etsy finds that I just had to own! 

They come from one very talented Monica  (owner of etsy shop Mother May I & more recently My Little Lunch Box). When I messaged her the photo I found out she moulded the earrings on her 7 year old daughters pinky finger!

 'I showed my 7 year old daughter the pic you took. ..she was highly grossed out but laughs and gets a kick out of it.. as do i. LOL!'

This is not the first & won't be the last pair of earrings from Monica! (I have to say this is the most extreme pair that I've seen in her shop, most of the others are food related & look delicious! Check them out here.) They are amazing!

For this particular photo I had a couple of ideas in mind. But the first thing to do was to mix up some fake blood! I have an awesome recipe that I always use but decided to wing it with what was in the pantry.  I used BBQ sauce, golden syrup, corn flour, red food dye & a tiny bit of blue food dye. Unlike my usual recipe this one stained my hand red but I was super happy with the result! 

The original plan was to include my hand & make it look like I was cutting off my finger. But I was loosing daylight & being the hand model as well as the photographer was proving difficult! (It's not an easy hand pose.) And I was making a mess! So I just went with the finger on the chopping board. (I gave the photo a little help in photoshop. Just to make the blood stand out a little more.. in case you couldn't see it..) 

I had WAAAAYYY too much fun during this shoot :) I don't wear these a whole lot because they tend to freak people out..

Earring Trivia: One of my housemates walked into the kitchen while I was cleaning up the blood afterwards haha! I had some splaining to do.. I think I started with "It's okay It's not my blood.." 

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