Sunday, 14 October 2012

Decisions! The current collection.

Behold! The most recent photo of my earring collection! Taken by me just now. Like 10 mins ago. 

This is what I face each and every morning. And I can tell you that it's a tough decision! As previously stated, what I wear often comes down to what I'm wearing, what season it is or my current mental state. 

And this is not all of them! There are a few more that I currently don't have room for!! Hopefully by the end of the year I'll have a new frame for my expanding collection. The ones pictured are altered picture frames that were made by my Dad (he is a cleaver man!)  

If you look closely their is a bit of order to this madness! All the studs are towards the top & everything is arranged in groups. 
Also it kinda turned out that most of the 'good' earrings are on the right and most of the 'evil' earrings are on the left. It may not surprise you to learn that I tend to wear more of the earrings on the left haha! 

The plan is to photograph most of these & tell you a bit about each of them on here :)  Looks like I'm in it for the long haul! 

Earring Trivia: There are 3 new pairs in this picture that I acquired this weekend! Black skulls & my initials. But more on them later.. 


  1. Your earring blog is off to a great start!
    It seems like you would make a good novelty earring dealer. Maybe that would make them less fun though. Naaaaah, impossible.

    1. Thanks Kirk! I do deal with novelty earrings all the time.. perhaps some day in the future! Yes always fun! And some of our skeleton friends to blog about shortly! :)
